Several trusts are exploring the possibility of using the framework as part of a formal peer review process. An existing trust has developed a peer review framework and process that uses the questions from the framework (and others related to finance and governance from the MAT Development programme) to facilitate peer review visits between three trusts. These questions have helped trusts to structure their discussions and identify a set of common priorities for improvement, which they have committed to working together on.
The trusts that have used the framework as part of action learning are also considering the possibility of using it as part of a formal peer review process between trusts. They will use it in the same way to structure the questions and priorities they will address during the visits between trusts.
With its built-in collaboration tools, MATvista is perfect for setting up peer review processes using the MAT assurance framework. If you are interested in working with other trusts in a peer review setting, please contact us. We are more than happy to show you how you can do this quickly and easily with MATvista.
