Our trust used the framework in a number of ways. Our first step was to complete the RAG rating at CEO and Director level. We did this separately and then came together to see if we shared the same understanding of what was strong and what needed developing in the trust.
Our next step was engaging the Principals of our schools – we asked them to go through the same process but this time in groups – the groups were made up of mixed school types; i.e. primary/secondary/special Principals in each group. We then brought the findings from the first two steps together so we could compare and contrast the score from the CEO and Director with those from the Principals. This enabled us to agree collectively the key priorities for development for the trust.
As a trust we are now looking at how we ensure the framework is a key document that the trust board uses to demonstrate impact. We also have a trust dashboard – our ultimate aim is to match the KPIs of the framework onto our dashboard.
This case study was taken from the guidance on the MAT Assurance Framework.
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