The MAT assurance framework is a development tool intended to assist Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) in better understanding their capacity to support and drive school improvement. The framework is designed to aid trusts in building and strengthening their existing school improvement capacity as well as expanding their capacity to assist more schools.
The framework may be used to start working informally with other trusts to share what they learn from their own assessments and to see if there are any areas where they can learn from one another. The trusts might share the full results of their own assessments or they might pick out a particular section of the framework and discuss the particular approaches each has taken and their current learning.
A less formal arrangement might involve working together on common priorities over time or visiting each other's trust as part of a peer review process, or being part of an action learning group.
Starting the process informally in the way described above may eventually lead to more formal partnership working, but it may also be the case that trusts wish to form informal sharing and learning arrangements alongside more formal arrangements, to widen the range of trusts from which they can learn.
MATvista is a simple, effective way for trusts to work informally together using The MAT Assurance Framework. If you'd like to test MAT vista in your trust, then please contact us, sign up for a free trial, or schedule a demonstration.