Multi-academy trusts will be subjected to summary evaluations based on updated guidance from Ofsted.
Ofsted has launched updated guidance for summary evaluations of multi-academy trusts (MATs).
Summary evaluations examine whether a MAT delivers high quality education and improves pupil outcomes.
This guidance has been updated to ensure that summary evaluations will follow the inspection framework for education, introduced in 2019, so that they focus on the quality of education. By increasing the number of summary evaluations and variety of trusts inspected, Ofsted will be able to gain a better understanding of the role that multi-academy trusts play.
Ofsted will review key information about the MAT, including inspection results, discussions with MAT leaders, and survey visits to some academies that have not been inspected in stage 1. The purpose of the evaluation is to provide the MAT with helpful recommendations on aspects of provision which could be improved, and to recognise the aspects where the MAT has a positive impact on the quality of education it provides.
Ofsted will evaluate a broad range of MATs, including smaller and specialist MATs, not just those that might be of concern. Ofsted want to ensure they have a balanced understanding of the contribution that MATs make to the school system, highlighting areas of strength that can be shared more widely, as well as identifying any weaknesses.
The MAT's senior leaders will be offered oral feedback on the inspectors' findings at the conclusion of the summary evaluation before a letter is published on the Ofsted website.
Amanda Spielman, Ofsted Chief Inspector said:
"Multi-academy trusts form a large part of our educational landscape and many decisions about the day-to-day running of an academy take place at trust level. It’s important, therefore, that we have conversations with the trust about the quality of education provided across their academies."
"By visiting more MATs, we will be able to gain a better understanding of their contribution to the school system. And we will be able to share valuable insights and information that can help the sector improve."
MATvista helps trusts prepare for a summary evaluation by strengthening their quality assurance, self-evaluation and strategic planning. Contact us for more information or book a demonstration to see the tool in action.