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Identifying strengths and priorities for improvement using the MAT Assurance Framework

Using the framework, trusts can identify their most important areas of strength and their priorities for growth, so they can develop their capacity for improvement. To summarise the picture of your trust, a heat map of the RAG ratings against each element may be helpful.

If your trust has undertaken one or more self-reviews against the framework, use the outcomes to identify areas of strength for building on and then determine the most important and urgent areas of improvement.

A green rating is not a guarantee that an element is perfect at present, only that it is a strong foundation upon which to build. In the same manner, a red rating does not imply failure or underperformance; instead, it simply signifies that capacity building should be a priority. Rather than attempting to tackle all the reds at once, you should prioritize the areas to focus on based on your trust's existing priorities and stage of development.

The framework may seem overwhelming to trusts that are newly formed or of small size, but it is designed to help you determine what your immediate priorities are. As a starting point, you might want to focus on the suggested 'questions to start with' in each section or select areas that you feel are an immediate priority for your trust to address.

MATvista automatically generates a visual representation of your trust's strengths and weaknesses. You are then guided through a streamlined diagnostic and action planning process to help you improve. Request a free trial account to try it yourself - or book a demonstration so we can show you in person.

We've found the best way to discuss MATvista is using Zoom, Teams or GoogleMeet. We can talk about your requirements and we’ll share our screen to show you how it's tailored to your trust.

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