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Free webinars for leaders of multi-academy trusts.

CEOs of multi-academy trusts (MATs) have the important responsibility of making sure their trust runs smoothly and provide the best education possible. Quality assurance, strategic planning, compliance, and risk management are all areas they need to oversee, making this an incredibly challenging task.

To help CEO’s and their central teams tackle these tasks more effectively, we at MATvista have developed a series of webinars designed specifically for MAT leaders. Our webinars are delivered over Zoom and cover a range of topics, providing them with the tools and knowledge they need to successfully lead their trust.

One of the biggest challenges facing MAT leaders is quality assurance. Our "MAT Quality Assurance using the DfE Assurance Framework" webinar is designed to CEO’s use the DfE Assurance Framework to streamline their trust's quality assurance, self-evaluation, and strategic action planning. This webinar provides an overview of the DfE framework, including how to use it to identify areas for improvement and how to develop an action plan to address these issues.

A key aspect of MAT leadership is risk management. Our "MAT Risk Registers" webinar is designed to help central teams deploy a simple and sustainable approach to managing risk. This includes risk assessment, analysis, and mitigation strategies, and provides a straightforward method for tracking and managing risk across the trust.

In addition to these webinars, we offer a "SEFs, SIPs and SDPs" webinar that is designed to help MATs establish a trust-wide approach to school self-evaluation and improvement planning. This includes engaging headteachers in the process to ensure maximum buy-in and participation from all stakeholders.

We also offer a "Deep-dives" webinar that builds the capacity of subject leaders and generates trust-wide insights. This webinar is designed to help MAT leaders deploy subject "deep-dives" that not only build the capacity of subject leaders but also generate valuable insights at trust level.

For a more holistic approach to trust-wide evaluations and benchmarking, we offer a webinar that is designed to help MAT leaders establish a universal evaluation and review process that allows for exceptional benchmarking. This process can be used to identify areas for improvement and develop action plans to address them.

Finally, we offer a "Teacher Growth" webinar that provides a teacher-centric approach to performance management through teacher reflection and professional growth planning. This is designed to empower teachers and improve their effectiveness in the classroom, which in turn improves the quality of education across the trust.

At MATvista, we understand the challenges that MAT leaders face, and we are committed to providing the tools and resources they need to overcome these challenges and lead their trusts more effectively. We invite you to visit our website at to learn more about our webinars and how they can benefit your trust.

We've found the best way to discuss MATvista is using Zoom, Teams or GoogleMeet. We can talk about your requirements and we’ll share our screen to show you how it's tailored to your trust.

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