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Multi-academy trust quality assurance, self-evaluation and strategic planning
Revolutionising MAT Dashboards: An Insight-Driven Approach to Unlocking School Improvement
As a MAT leader, you're no stranger to data. But are your dashboards truly helping you drive improvement? Or are they simply adding to...
Navigating the DfE MAT CEO Content Framework for Effective Leadership
The role of a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) within a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) is both pivotal and challenging. Effective leadership...
Aligning MAT Growth: DfE Trust Capacity Fund and Strategic Tools
The Department for Education's (DfE) Trust Capacity Fund (TCaF) is set to open for applications next month. This initiative, with a...
Empowering Multi-Academy Trusts: The Synergy Between iAbacus and MATvista
In the evolving landscape of educational leadership, the necessity for robust self-evaluation and strategic planning is paramount....
The Abacus Model: Unlocking Leadership Excellence in Multi-Academy Trusts
Models have long been the torchbearers of strategic insight across various sectors. Their universal and flexible nature, akin to the SWOT...
Robust Quality Assurance in Multi-Academy Trusts with MATvista.
Quality assurance is a critical component of any education system. For Multi-Academy Trusts, the stakes are even higher given their...
New DfE Trust Quality Description Templates: Streamlining Your MAT Self-Evaluation and Action Plans
Earlier this spring, the Department for Education (DfE) released the draft Trust Quality Descriptions. They describe them as "one of...
Navigating Risk Management in Small Multi-Academy Trusts
Risk management is an integral component of leadership in any Multi-Academy Trust (MAT). The task involves identifying, assessing, and...
DfE Trust Quality Descriptions: Streamline Your MAT Self-Evaluation and Action Planning.
Last month, the Department for Education released the draft Trust Quality Descriptions, outlining the five pillars of quality for Multi...
Free webinars for leaders of multi-academy trusts.
CEOs of multi-academy trusts (MATs) have the important responsibility of making sure their trust runs smoothly and provide the best...
Ofsted update their guidance for summary evaluations of multi-academy trusts (MATs)
Multi-academy trusts will be subjected to summary evaluations based on updated guidance from Ofsted. Ofsted has launched updated guidance...
What Ofsted inspectors may consider during a summary evaluation of a multi-academy trust (MAT)
MAT summary evaluations are not inspections and are conducted with the cooperation and consent of the MAT being assessed. In their...
Four ways MATs use the Assurance Framework to work with other trusts
Trusts have started to use the framework to support conversations with other trusts in a number of different ways including: Use by two...
Building outcomes into trust improvement planning
By self-reviewing against the framework, you can inform your wider improvement planning and reporting to the board. Some trusts have used...
Identifying strengths and priorities for improvement using the MAT Assurance Framework
Using the framework, trusts can identify their most important areas of strength and their priorities for growth, so they can develop...
How to use the MAT Assurance Framework to facilitate discussions within your trust
This framework can be used for discussions with your senior team, senior and middle leaders, and/or trustees. It can be a separate...
Using the framework to support peer review by primary trusts in Kent
As a trust, we used the questions from the DfE MAT Development programme guidance (the questions on school improvement are based on the...
Using the framework as part of The Mersey City Region learning set
We are a group of five MATs who have used the framework to guide our work as an action learning set. Each of the MATs completed it...
Using the framework with 13 academies including special schools and alternative provision
Our trust used the framework in a number of ways. Our first step was to complete the RAG rating at CEO and Director level. We did this...
Using the MAT Assurance Framework with nine primary academies in the South West
Our trust have been using the Framework for over two years. We used it initially as a MAT temperature/reality check. I sent out the...
We've found the best way to discuss MATvista is using Zoom, Teams or GoogleMeet. We can talk about your requirements and we’ll share our screen to show you how it's tailored to your trust.
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